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Bible Studies

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Weekly Bible Studies

Grow in the Word

The Bible is God’s Holy Word. Through Bible study, our faith is strengthened and our understanding is deepened. Bible study groups are a great way to grow in God’s Word and enjoy uplifting Christian fellowship. We invite you to join us at a time that fits your schedule.

Saturdays 7:45 pm in the Chapel

  • The Book of Revelation – with Pastor Andrew

Sundays 10:45 am in the Sanctuary

  • The Book of Revelation – with Pastor Andrew

Mondays 7:00 pm via Zoom

  • Peter:Join Pastor Andrew as we study the life and writings of Saint Peter.

Our journey starts in the Gospels, where we find an impetuous fisherman, whose life oscillated between firm conviction and deep denial. Despite this, Peter himself is blessed as the rock on which Jesus will build His church and though Peter, like us all, is deeply flawed he is forever changed by his resurrected Lord.

From the Gospels, we then follow Saint Peter through the Acts of the Apostles, where despite his powerful preaching and teaching of the Gospel, he still struggles with the concepts of Law and Grace. After a well documented dispute with Saint Paul over Peter’s fear of what the Jewish believers would say about fellowshipping with Gentiles, Saint Peter wrote extensively of the Grace that our Lord extends to everyone through Jesus Christ.

Finally, our journey will take us to the writings of Saint Peter. Here we find encouragement to remain steadfast in our faith despite a world that is often hostile to it. We will tackle challenging passages such as 1 Peter 2:13-21 and 1 Peter 3:1-7;8-9 , 2 Peter 2:4-10, and 2 Peter 3. We will also examine important sacramental passages from his writings, such as 1 Peter 3 :18-22.

Theology Thursdays

Have you ever wondered why we worship the way we do?

Ever been challenged by a difficult Bible passage?

Join Pastor Andrew as we discover the riches of God’s Word each Thursday with short videos that cover a variety of Theological questions.

Theology Thursday needs your questions!

Please email Pastor Andrew to have your questions answered on Theology Thursday.

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