
A Tradition of Excellence
First Lutheran School is a member of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS). The LCMS believes education should address the whole person – body, mind, and spirit- beginning in early childhood and continuing through higher education. Through early childhood programs, elementary schools and high schools, the congregations of LCMS are dedicated to providing a solid Lutheran education for our children by operating the largest Protestant parochial system in America. Every morning, more than 1,200 early childhood centers and preschools, operated by LCMS congregations open their doors welcoming more than 87,000 children, ranging in age from infant/toddler to 5 years of ages. Additionally, our congregations operate 880 elementary schools which serve approximately 113,000 students.
The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod has established the standards for accrediting our school. National Lutheran School Accreditation (NLSA) is a process of self-evaluation in preparation for a visit of trained educators. NLSA is a rigorous national accrediting process designed to evaluate schools based on their unique purpose as Lutheran Schools. It helps schools evaluate not only the quality of their academics and programs, but also most importantly the spiritual dimension of the school. The standards and reports are similar to those used by other accrediting agencies, both secular and religious.
First Lutheran School has been accredited since 1991. We have proven compliance with NLSA's educational standards and are a member in good standing. Schools working toward accreditation must complete a comprehensive self-study, host a site visit team of educators outside the school every five years, and develop and implement a school improvement plan to maintain accreditation. The school files an annual report detailing their progress in meeting their goals and staying in compliance with the NLSA standards.
Standards to be met include:
- The School’s Purpose
- The School’s Relationship with the Congregation
- The School’s Relationship with the Home
- The School’s Relationship with Students
- The School’s Relationship with the Community
- The School’s Climate
- School Governance & Administration
- Professional Personnel
- Curriculum
- Instruction
- Student Services
- Physical Facilities
First Lutheran was fully accredited following the visit of the NLSA Accreditation Team in 2023. The Accreditation Team visits every 5 years. The annual School Improvement Plan is available on request from the school office.